Heat Pumps BC
Get up to $27,500
Provincial rebate
for Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps
Government Rebates
Heat pump rebates and grants are available the Province of British Columbia, in collaboration with BC Hydro and FortisBC:
Air-source heat pump:​
Central ducted: Up to $3000
Multi-split: Up to $3000
Mini-split (one head): Up to $3000
Dual fuel system: $10,000
Air-to-water and water-heater heat pumps:​
Provincial: up to $2,500
Income-qualified rebate:
Provincial: up to $27,500​
Financing for all heat pumps
Federal: up to $40,000 interest-free​
*Municipal top-ups may be available
Provincial Heat Pump Rebates
CleanBC Better Homes
Heat pump rebates are being offered by the Province of British Columbia, in partnership with BC Hydro and FortisBC. Grant amount may depend on fuel source.
Ductless Heat Pumps
A variable speed compressor is required
​Home must be 1,200 sqft or less​
$1,000 - $3,000
Requires at least two indoor head units​
​$1,000 - $3,000​​
Ducted Heat Pumps
A variable speed compressor is required
$1,500 to $3,000
A variable speed compressor is not required​
Air-to-Water Heat Pumps
Must be on the list of eligible products
Combination Space and Water Heating
up to $2,500
Municipal top-ups are available
For details, see government website​​
Income Qualified
CleanBC Better Homes
CleanBC's Better Homes Energy Savings Program is offering income-qualified rebates for upgrading to a heat pump:
Air-source heat pump: up to $19,000​​
Electrical Service Upgrade: up to $5,000​
Top-up for Northern residents: up to $3,000​
Heat pump hot water heater: up to $3,500
BC Questions
Does my existing fuel type affect my rebate?
Yes, unlike the federal loan program your existing fuel type impacts your provincial rebate amount. The maximum rebate is applied when converting from natural gas to a full electric heat pump.
Are there additional municipal incentives?
Yes, depending on where you live you may be eligible for an additional $6,000 when installing a heat pump.
See what top-ups are available in your area here.
Are there requirements for choosing a contractor?
Yes, for the provincial heat pump rebates you will need to use a Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN) member. You can review the full list here.
Does the provincial government offer financing?
Affordable loans for renovations through the CleanBC Better Homes Low-Interest Financing Program. If you take advantage of the financing program you will no longer be eligible for the provincial heat pump rebate.
If you choose to pursue the federal Greener Homes Loan, you will still be able to take advantage of provincial heat pump rebates. The rebate amount is not deducted from the loan amount.
$40,000 Interest-Free
Greener Homes Loan
Interest-free loans of up to $40,000 are available from the Government of Canada to help homeowners pay for the cost of renovations.
The Canada Greener Homes Loan works alongside the Greener Homes Grant program.
With a 10 year, interest-free repayment term, homeowners may opt in to the loan when pursuing retrofits like insulation, heat pumps, solar panels, and more.
Energy advisors play a key part in the delivery of the loan.
Booking an energy evaluation is a requirement to qualify for the loan.
Tell us about your project.
Book directly over the phone or
submit our online form.
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